
Customer Testimonials

Voices of Success


Inflexion Analytics provided an outstanding service on our Power BI migration project. The team brought their knowledge and expertise to challenges of scale and volume. Communications were excellent throughout with regular touch points and clarity on progress. Moreover, the team were open and to changes and proved flexible collaborators, helping us meet evolving business needs. There was no resistance nor mention of scope-creep, the team simply embraced user needs and prioritized delivering the best possible solutions. I am happy to recommend Inflexion Analytics as a partner.

Katherine Allen,

We have worked with Inflexion Analytics for several years, and they have been flexible, prompt and dedicated to their work and service. They delivered what we asked for and we got much more than what was expected out of the data. Their dedication, competence, and attention to detail is commendable. Inflexion Analytics proved to be a reliable and valuable partner throughout the project, and I highly recommend their services.

Demetrio Cadiente

Highly recommend Inflexion Analytics for their exceptional work in our Power BI project. They understood the brief, delivered exactly what we wanted and then exceeded our expectations by going further to include additional features.  They were extremely professional, giving us a product that was well written, well documented and therefore supportable going forward – indeed the product has been in operational for 2 years now with no issues at all. Thank you, Inflexion Analytics, for your outstanding work!

Andy Wither

Inflexion has been are great partner in helping us organize our data to present to our Travelweek clients. They are always super responsive and helpful, plus know how to manipulate data in ways beyond our imagination. They have taken care to understand the nuances of our products and business, so can quickly find solutions to any issues we may face. They are highly recommended by us!

Devin kinasz

Michael and his team provide excellent service and value for money. They went over and above to ensure that I had what I needed. The quality of the output was also to an excellent standard.”

Gabrielle Ostrognay

Excellent work over more than a year in developing our group reporting system. Incredible dedication to support and maintain our reports.

Diane Louis
I’m thrilled to express my genuine appreciation for Inflexion Analytics. Throughout the year, their exceptional grasp of our system has been a game-changer. Rapid responses consistently and their steadfast, long-term support has been our cornerstone. Huge thanks to Inflexion Analytics for their personalized dedication and expertise!
Hema Marshall